REAL is a learning space
I often joke, when entering REAL, customers think that they are dining at a restaurant, but in truth they are entering an educational institution in disguise.
Our self-create style of menu, the information we provide about ingredient packaging and ingredient food miles and our encouragement about becoming a good ancestor might give it away. In this way REAL is ideal for a range of food preferences providing vegan, vegetarian and gluten-free options. We pride ourselves in our house-made, gluten-free Chickpea pasta and Quinoa pizza bases, each with low food miles and minimal packaging, made from whole grains grown in Victoria.
At REAL we like to help you build knowledge about the food that you eat so that you can make informed eating choices.

REAL is invested in it’s seaside location
Port Campbell is home to approximately 300 permanent residents. It is bordered by National Parks on two sides, the Southern Ocean and the Campbell’s creek estuary on the remaining sides. It is the responsibility of those who visit and live in Port Campbell to behave in ways that reflect this special location. Our behaviours have the potential to impact far beyond the immediate town boundaries.
At REAL we are close to zero waste. No organic bi-products (cardboard, food scraps, floor sweepings) enter the commercial waste stream. Each is aptly applied at REAL’s sister business The Place of Wonder, a permaculture garden on the outskirts of Port Campbell. Plastics are separated into types and recycled and we enjoy having conversations with suppliers encouraging them to ‘take back’ for reapplication their containers and packaging.
Discovering Port Campbell’s treasures
Port Campbell is home to dramatic, geology-revealing cliffs, tumultuous and emotive weather, abundant resident and migrating birdlife, (Orange Bellied Parrot), unique and endangered mammals (Southern Bandicoot) and flora (Metallic Sun Orchid).
At REAL we enjoy sharing with visitors our knowledge of special places, the best (and less promoted) view of the Apostles, where to watch the sunset, special beach walks and surf spots. We enjoy helping others to understand ancient land stories. With knowledge and the experiences that visitors enjoy we hope that they take home and apply to their own spaces an understanding of the precious systems that we are all part of no matter where we live.
REAL is constantly evolving
As the natural environment changes and the social needs of the community change we too at REAL will adapt and evolve. We regularly offer events such as Sound Meditation, Cooking Demonstrations and Discussions on how to grow vital soil (see our sister organisation Grow Vital soil). We believe that the diversity of events reflects a diversity of the knowledge that has the potential to carry us into the future.
Similarly, REAL provides options for all types of guests. We are dog-friendly, wheel-chair accessible and cater for large groups. REAL is far from static and our journey into the future can be influenced by you. We welcome hearing about what you need from and how we can evolve to fit your needs while resting lightly amongst our local natural systems.
Learn about where you live and visit.
Respect where you live and visit.
Love where you live and visit.
Kylie xx
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